Keeping Social Media Simple
Now you have your amazing branding and you’re ready to share it with the world, but how? One of my favorite places to chat about my biz and the current trends in design, my latest projects and new products, is social media. It’s a cheap/free way for you to reach beau coos (yeah, that’s an official term) of potential clients. There are three things that I focus on when planning out my social media posts.
Brand Style Guides | The Savvy Peach
Brand Style Guides are a must-have tool for every business! These needed pieces compile every piece that is essential to your branding and organize it in one simple document. This document tells everyone how to design and communicate within your brand.
More Productive Sick Days
Sick days are for the birds, but you can tackle your to-do even when you don’t feel like it.
This week I have been sick y’all. Not like “a few sniffles” sick but more like “I’ve been hit by a train” sick. It’s been such a long time since I had to deal with all of these horrible feelings and the first since I became an entrepreneur. During this week, I’ve learned a major lesson that I never had thought of before… my business doesn’t take sick days.
The wake up call of a “no sick day” business quickly hit as emails and calls poured in. Instead of shutting everything down OR pushing through and working a full day, I put a few things into practice to help me have great customer service, get projects off on time and give myself time to rest.
My One Word | The Savvy Peach
It seems that we start every year with a laundry list of things to make our lives better. By the spring this list is lost and we continue to fall back into our old ways. Am I alone here? Bueller?
Have you heard about this? You select one word that you focus on for the entire year - one word that encompasses everything you are striving for in life? How empowering - one word instead of a long list of to do's! It seems so freeing to me (and I'm relieved that I won't have several items that I don't accomplish by the time we ring in 2018.)
New Year Planning | The Savvy Peach
I can’t even believe how quickly 2016 came and went. There was so much goodness packed into 12 months and so many lessons learned. One of my favorite things about wrapping up a year is looking back on the different things that made it a success, and the places where some work is needed. It’s a learning process that allows us to grow.
As a small business owner, I started 2016 with big goals. Some of which The Peach soared past with flying colors. Others, we still are 65% away from with no hopes of reaching them this year. And that is ok! Not reaching all of my goals shows me where The Peach needs improvement, where we need to grow!