A Quick Guide to Adobe Spark Post | The Savvy Peach
It seems like everyone has slammin’ social media graphics these days. From staged photoshoots to branded quotes, they are everywhere but on your feed. But now, it is your turn! With this quick tutorial on our favorite app, you’ll be posting pretties in no time! We have an awesome cheat sheet that you can snag too.
In the Know: The Step-by-Step Guide to Working with The Savvy Peach
When partnering with someone to assist you with your business, there is no difference. You need to know how the relationship will work from the initial email to the final payment. Over the course of our three years, we have tailored a system that is efficient for both our clients and ourselves. This system has been tweaked and tried and we want to share it with you in order to put your mind at ease (so you know when you’re up!)
Radio Interview with PRNFM | The Savvy Peach
This week Stephanie had the privilege of speaking with PRNFM for their Professionals Roundtable. Take a few minutes to listen in to the interview.
Let’s Recap: A September to Remember | The Savvy Peach
This month has been ah-mazing around the Peach headquarters. I can’t believe it has already been a whole month since we kicked off the blog! Thank you for reading along and snagging the freebies along the way. We love having you here.
The Story Behind the Logo | The Savvy Peach
A logo captures the essence of a business. It creates a personality that will carry throughout the branding, the products, the services, the employees and the clientele. When dreaming of your biz, did you have a "look" in mind? Some kind of theme or feel that you wanted to portray to your audience?