Organize Your Social Media Calendar with Trello | The Savvy Peach
Keep yourself organized and tackle your social media like a pro!
Managing your social media can be a chore if you don’t have the right systems in place to keep yourself organized. Before finding my new social media love, I tried to organize my posts in Google Sheets - it worked, but it wasn’t as simple (or pretty) as I wanted.
Then, in walked Trello. Well, not really, but I was introduced through one of my fellow small biz owner’s. In a matter of minutes, I knew that this was going to be my new tool for organization. I use this site for everything - from project management to social media organization - it is my new favorite business tool.
Haven’t heard of Trello? You need it. Imagine a whiteboard on steroids… and they have a free version!
If you are new to Trello, check out their introduction video or their getting started guide.
Trello boards are pages where you can get an overview of your project. Items within your lists are called cards and can be dragged and dropped onto other lists or reordered to best suit your needs. The number of boards you have is limitless!
Each card (imagine these are like your Trello sticky notes) contains sections for a checklist, images, attachments, deadline dates, colored labels, and discussion notes.
Before I show you my personal setup, know that Trello can be organized however you want. I’ve seen others organize their blog post work flow like this:
- Blog idea – add your raw ideas for blog posts.
- Researching – add your links to articles and quotes for experts to include.
- On hold – park your ideas so they don’t get lost.
- Writing
- Editing and graphics
- Ready to publish
- Publish
This is a look at my social media Trello board. As you can see, I organize weekly (list) and then by day (card).
Each card opens up to show you the details of the post (photos, links, copy, etc.)
By setting up this Trello board, I’m able to plan out my social media posts, keep track of what I’ve already shared, and make notes of ideas that I want to share in the future.
How will you use Trello for your small business? To help you get started, I’ve set up a Trello board just for you! You can access it here! Be sure to save it as your own before you make any updates.
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