Business Tips from a Trip to the Paint Store

Business Tips Paint Store

A few weeks ago I stopped into the local Sherwin Williams with my favorite sidekick, Wyatt. Our job was to find the perfect paint color to change up our house. We wanted a neutral that wouldn't be too beige or to gray. Enter said color, “perfect griege” (no lie, that's the color name.)

When we stepped into the store we were greeted by the sweetest employee. Immediately she left her post of restocking paint sample cards to help me on my quest. She gave feedback and other options that we hadn't even considered… and then SHE found our color. In this short time she learned our names, shared her story and made me a customer for life.

This visit to the paint store reminded me of the most important aspects of my own business.

  1. Love on your people. Whether they are new clients or life-long partnerships, you have to let people know that they matter to your business. Martha, the super employee from Sherwin Williams, started loving on us the minute we walked in. From sharing her own SW success story about the beautiful color she used in her home to taking my little man behind the counter for an up close look at mixing paint, she made us feel like the most important people to ever visit her store. The service didn't stop there either. The other employees chimed in about our color selection, gave tips for the perfect paint application and inquired about my son’s taekwondo skills (he was rocking his uniform.)
  2. Know your product. I can't stress it enough. Folks come to you for your expertise, your experience. If you aren't sure about something it shows. Know where you're talented and make sure you share these gifts with your clients. Imagine walking into Sherwin Williams and finding a rack of shoes. Can you say out of place? By knowing who you are and what you offer, your potential clients can be confident in your abilities (and you'll land the job.)
Business Tips Paint Store

When we left the store that day, I wanted to high five the manager. Not only was the store very helpful, but his employees embodied every single point of good business. They sold their product without being pushy, and they knew their stuff without being a know-it-all. To keep a long story short, we have been back twice already to purchase their product. Not only have we received awesome service each time, but our house looks slammin’!


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