The Top 4 Benefits For Trying Something New
I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way, but it seems like everyone is an expert at everything these days. If you’re online for any amount of time, you’ll see people with stellar brands, great marketing strategies, perfect products, and beautiful copy. Sometimes you may feel like you’re just spinning your wheels to get one of these assets in your business. But did you know it’s ok to be new at something?
Of course, when you take a step back, of course you know that. We’re all new at everything at some point in time. But it’s an important lesson to internalize.
There’s actually quite a few benefits to trying something new.
- You’re learning new skills to add to your repertoire. Sure you likely won’t be an expert the first time you try something. But with practice you’ll get better and you’ll be able to add new skills to your bank. Sometimes you may have to learn on the fly, but other times you may have the time and the chance to learn something new on your own time. Try seeking out opportunities to learn something new (maybe even something completely out of your comfort zone!) Which brings me to my next point.
- Continuing education is important (and you should seek it out even when it’s not required). Sure, for some of us, taking continuing education classes are a part of our job functions. But for many of us (especially those of us that are small business owners or entrepreneurs) it’s not. Try finding classes or conferences near you that would build your skill set. You’ll not only get to learn something new that hopefully can help you build your business, but you’ll also be able to network with other industry professionals. It’s a win-win.
- It helps your skills to stay relevant and on top of the curve. Things change fast these days. With the ease of sharing things online from blog posts, to video tutorials, to online courses, knowledge is being shared everywhere. Choose a couple new trends, programs, or pieces of technology that you think are both relevant and important to your job or business, and make it a point to learn those.
- Even if you’re still learning something, you still have valuable insight to share. Many people feel like they can’t share what they’ve learned because they’re not yet an “expert”. But even if you still have more to learn (and hint: you always will) you still have valuable insight to share. By the nature of your personality and business, you’ll be able to share things in a different way than others. Share what you’re learning, how you’re applying it, and how people who are just starting out can learn from it.
What are your thoughts? What is something that you are in the process of learning right now?